Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Two Tickets....... to the World

Sometimes a child can do or say something so huge that to talk about it seems almost like sacrilege...like it could be jinxed if you talk about it too much or try to read too much into it. But, on the other hand, to not talk about it is to diminish it or act as if it's not so huge a thing after all. And for me not to write about and talk about it could mean that I completely forget it. So in order to preserve this moment for me and for him, I am compelled to write about it here.

The Kid in my house had a huge God encounter this past weekend. He told me about it an hour or so after it happened. It was so big for a six year old that I almost blew it off and chalked it up to the musings of a child who knows all the "church" words and answers. So I had Junebug check it out for me. His response to her, along with some pretty big additional observations on his part, have convinced me that I am truly witnessing the Spirit of God at work in his life.

The kids in our church were invited to "Journey to China" as part of a missions weekend. Three lay people who had been there as volunteer missionaries came to share with our kids. As the kids ate their supper, I prayed with a couple of these volunteer missionary leaders. We prayed that they would speak clearly and that the kids would be attentive and open to God's spirit. I also prayed that God would call out a missionary from the kids that night. While I believed that God could do and wanted to do just that, I knew in my head that it was Friday night - you know, the "end of a full week at school and not a good time to sit and be quiet" time of the week.

As I toured the rotations, I saw what I pretty much expected...kids with ants in their pants and lots of pent-up energy. Of course I paid special attention to The Kid. The most I really hoped for from him was to remember a few facts about China and missionaries there and have some fun at church. At the least I did not want him to interrupt the speakers or keep the other kids from learning. He was paired up with a sixth grade boy who was doing his best to keep him still and quiet. I kinda felt sorry for the preteen getting stuck with him. (The Kid gets NO playtime at school and to say that by Friday he's about to bust is putting it mildly.)

On the way home that night, The Kid says, "I heard the voice of God tonight." I tried to be so cool as I replied, "Oh really? What did He say?" "He said, 'Go tell the Word to the world." "What do you think that means?" I asked in my best educator voice. The Kid's reply was simple, "Go tell the Word to the world." He spoke slowly and carefully ennunciated each syllable. So I ask, "Like be a missionary?" He says, "Yeah, but I'm not so sure about Asia yet." Then I say, "Well you know you can be a mssionary right where you live." He knows that and told me so. I shut up, scared of making too much of the moment or just plain losing it altogether. My flesh really wanted to keep talking it up though so he wouldn't forget. Somehow I knew I just needed to be quiet. God moments require time to think and you can't think if your momma keeps asking all kinds of questions.

The next day The Kid asks what could have been mistaken as a random question. "Momma, when are you going on your next trip?" I was slow, not sure where that question came from, so I told him I was going to Louisianna soon. "No. Your next trip to another country to tell people about Jesus. I need to go too." My reply: "You are too young to go to another country. His words: "God didn't put any ages on who can tell the Word to the World." Touche'! I made that conversation brief by saying I had no plans to go anywhere soon.

The next day was Sunday. There was a global missions fair and he fell in love with China. In fact, at one point I could not find him. I searched and others helped. I found him, sitting in the back of the "China" room, discussing issues related to China, eating rice, and sipping hot tea. He later said, "Did you know China is in Asia? It's not so bad."

On Monday, again randomly, he asked me when the next trip to "the world" would be. I couldn't play the age card, so I laid out the money card. Austin, it costs lots of money to go on a trip. He was totally undaunted! "Well, remember when Miss Mary talked about going to Africa? She said God provided everything she needed for the trip. God will provide everything I need to tell the Word to the world. You just need to trust Him." Touche' again! Or OUCH!

So now I'm searching for cheap tickets to the world. But you better believe I'll be buying two. I will have to go, too....Not to protect him, but to learn from him!


B's Blog said...

You are invited to the world of Latvia where there are many kids that need to hear the WORD. Once the tickets are bought, the rest is almost free - come stay with us! Please!

Junebug said...

Kinda made me think about the time Mary & Joseph couldn't find Jesus. He was sitting with the teachers...doing his Father's business.

This is no small thing, BB. I am simply blessed to be close enough to hear those kinda words from his sweet little mouth.

Brina M. said...

Hey BB! Thats my baby, he has such a great impact on everyone around him. There are times that he amazes me and I see wisdom in him that I do not see in adults three and four times his age. God uses him in huge ways.

The Mom said...

it is so neat to watch God work in his life. i can not wait to see what God in store for him. it blesses me to see God use what we think of as a horrible situation and turn it into good, just so we can see His Glory!

Anonymous said...

WOW! I've stalked your blog for awhile now but this is worth a comment. It makes me think of the responsibility I have with my boys in teaching them the word. And as I read your blog tonight I thought what a responsibility God has given YOU to raise "The Kid". I can't wait to hear more amazing things God tells him and what he does with that. You have your hands and heart full....in a good way!:)

BB said...

come on back, katrice, and visit again anytime....and feel free to comment.

you are so right, too, about the task God called us to when He placed The Kid in our house. we have learned so much from him.

Anonymous said...

Like Katrice, I, too, have stalked your blog from time to time. A BIG "thank you" to The Kid for sending out a reminder to simply trust...trust in Jesus to take care of anything and everything!! "From the mouths of babes..." Andy's mom