Sunday, February 24, 2008

Burn the Germs!

Well The Kid is not so excited about it, but it looks like he'll be able to go back to school tomorrow. Since January 25, he has been to the doctor 4 times and missed 12 days of school with walking pneumonia. He is still weak, but I think he's on the mend. (He thinks he's invented a way to make himself feel like he has fever so he can stay home. Bad thing, though, he told us that's what he is trying to do!)

Now I think it's time to burn the germs! I am thinking a gallon of Clorox and a couple of cans of Lysol ought to do the trick! (Although I have been Lysol-ing during this time and it hasn't seemed to do much good.) It might be even better if I could just burn the layer of germs that are probably hiding out in every crevice waiting for me to go to bed so they can come out and party! You know how people burn down brush and weeds in the woods - I'd like to do that in my house! But I won't...not sure how to call the insurance company and explain the damge it'd do!

I was thinking that I probably need to ask Jesus to do this with my life, while I am at know, burn out the stuff that gets in the way of the good stuff growing. So while I am Lysol-ing my house, I think I'll be doing some heart-cleaning, too!


Junebug said...

Oh man.

southernutahgirl said...

wow! sounds like a good idea!!!!!!!!

Kearsmom said...

Glad he's feeling better. And VERY glad to see you back in the blogging world. I had almost given up.

I think we could all use a good deep cleaning from time to time.

And I love you!