Thursday, February 14, 2008

Gone Fishin'

Today I had lots of work to do....stuff I'd saved for this afternoon. I knew The Kid and the dad in our house had fishing plans, so I planned my day around that. I'd work longer into the evening and get some stuff done, then they'd come get me and we'd have the rest of the evening together at home.

But they decided it'd be a good thing to invite me to go fishing since it was Valentine's Day after all. My initial thought was that if they REALLY loved me, they'd go without me. But my better judgement took over and so I watched the sun set over the wind-whipped waters of the rez while listening to the little waves slap against the rocks. I sat on the huge roots of a big ole tree watching the two guys I love most in the world thread live worms onto metal hooks.

The Kid looked back at me near the end of our hour-long fishing trip and said, "Hey Mom, have you learned to love fishing yet?" "No," said my head. But at that exact moment my heart filled to overflowing as I watched those two guys sharing one rod and lots of laughs. Without even thinking, my mouth said, "Yes, I think I have."

I was reminded all over again today that troubles, worries and piles of work just melt away -even if only for awhile- when you are with the ones you love best in the middle of creation made by the One Who loves you most.

So if you ever find a sign hanging from my door that says Gone Fishin' - you'd better believe it's probably true.

P.S. They caught one small sunfish. We brought it home to keep as a pet. And that's another blog for another day!


Junebug said...

That made me smile!!

Going with them was the best decision you made all day, right?!

Also, what is UP with you posting again?

The Mom said...

a sunfish as a pet? you need to share that story with me. dad and i used to always throw them back...he never let me keep any of the fish. you know now that i think about it...there are lots of things the kid gets to do that i would have never been able to do when i was his age. :) oh well.

Kearsmom said...

That's okay have kids of your own can take it out on them! Haha JUST KIDDING!!!! (sort of) :)