Tuesday, March 20, 2007

5 Things I've Never Like about Myself

1. My hair. It has always been thin, frizzy, and naturally curly. Even when I have been able to get it to look decent in my own bathroom in front of my own mirror, once I step outside, it’s gone. I’ve ironed it, grown it long, cut it short, rolled it on pink spongies and huge plastic rollers. I’ve moussed, gelled, and purchased an array of products all in a feeble attempt to control it, shape it, and make it look like the girls on the covers of magazines – all to no avail. Now I’m settling for my own style. Maybe others will want to photograph and copy it one day……
2. That I am so jumpy. Most everyone who knows me has witnessed it over and over again. Even their children know it about me. I can know for sure that someone is standing behind a door about to try to scare me, and I will still jump and probably even scream out loud when it happens. One can only imagine what I’m like when I don’t know that someone is behind the door. (Mean people have found great pleasure in creating new ways to make me jump and scream. Even meaner ones encourage their kids to do the same.)
3. My round belly. Even at my smallest, I maintained a round belly. It is not really my fault. My mom and her mom, too, have really skinny arms, fingers, and legs yet they both have little round bellies. I’m thinking about carrying their photos with me and just holding them up beside me so maybe everyone will just automatically know that my round belly is not my fault. They will just say to themselves, “Oh, that poor girl. She can’t be blamed for her round belly. It’s clearly a generational thing.” And if they are from the south, they will most likely add to that, “Bless her heart.” (and we all know what that means!)
4. Potty issue. I do not like that when I potty (yes, potty can be a verb!) my pee makes a loud echoing kind of noise. I can't hide in the potty, everyone hears where I am. I’ve always wanted to be one of those with the silent sprays…it just seems more feminine. Enough said about that…..
5. My toenails. With exception of my big toe which has a pretty normal one, all of my toes have tiny, curved nails. I could never have a French nail pedicure on my toes! Woe is me!

I am so grateful that God in his wisdom saw fit to have his men write scripture like “I am fearfully and wonderfully made” and “I can do all things through Christ…” and “I know the plans I have for you…” Otherwise I would be a self-consumed, paranoid, suicidal nut!
Thank you, God, that I am no accident and that You love me just like I am. Thank You that I am a work in progress and that, as your child, I really am a promise – a possibility!


The Mom said...

could have done without knowing the potty thing...but i love you just the way you are and i have the feeling i am not the only one! :-)

Anonymous said...

WE ALL LOVE BB SHE IS THE BEST!!! No matter what.

Junebug said...

No, Manders. You are NOT the only one.

The Mom said...

i am glad that i am not the only one! someone has to take care of her when i am not there. you know...to remind her to bring the power cord to camp :-) we love you mom!

Kearsmom said...

I think I am just speechless. Perhaps because if I laugh out loud kearsdad will hear me and ask why I am laughing and I just can't tell him. I know for sure he would say that is just way too much tmi and the next time bb has computer issues, he might not be able to deal with it with a clear conscience. But I still love you very very much in spite of your issues! Or maybe because of them...

Kearsmom said...

oh, and also...I will always have a power cord for you bb.

B's Blog said...

You are my HERO! It really wouldn't matter if you didn't have any hair at all (however, I may get you to try a wig). Your jumpiness must run in the family as I am having some issues here with a certain 10 year old boy who loves to get me as I come down the stairs - everytime! And he gets me. Think I should be wising up a bit. Can't say I have noticed the toes as I try not to notice anyone's feet as I don't like my own and fear that everyone is looking at them. Mom says that I have Grandpa's feet. Is this something that I should be proud of? When you copy the pics to carry around, could you make a set for me too. I feel I may need them. :-) Lastly, I have read some words that say "charm is deceitful, beauty is vain, but a woman that fears the Lord shall be praised." I praise you BB! I love you too! I am SO glad you are my sister!

Anonymous said...

So I laughed and laughed and laughed at this one! I love you!